Why Do I Keep Getting Ingrown Toenails?

Fungal toenail infections, also known as onychomycosis, can be a persistent and unsightly problem affecting many individuals. If you find yourself wondering, “How can I treat my fungal toenails?” you’re not alone. Fortunately, there are effective treatment options available to help you regain clear and healthy nails. In this blog, we will explore what toenail fungus is, as well as the various treatment options, including oral and topical medications, to help you make an informed decision on your path to recovery.

Understanding Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus is a common condition caused by the overgrowth of fungi in, on, or under the nail. This can result in discoloration, thickening, and brittleness of the nails. Fungal infections often occur when the nails are exposed to warm and moist environments, such as sweaty shoes or damp communal areas like swimming pools and locker rooms. Knowing the signs and symptoms of toenail fungus is crucial to seeking timely treatment.

Toenail fungus on big toenail on top of a blue towel

Treatment Options for Fungal Toenails

Oral Medications

Among the various treatment options, oral medications, specifically antifungal pills, are considered the most effective in combating toenail fungus. These medications are prescribed by our podiatrists and work by targeting the fungal infection from within the body. It’s important to note the following key points about oral medications:

Treatment Duration: Antifungal pills are usually taken for 12 weeks. This extended duration is necessary to ensure the medication reaches the entire nail bed and thoroughly eliminates the infection.

Gradual Results: Patience is crucial when undergoing oral medication treatment for fungal toenails. Results are observed gradually as the new, healthy nail grows. This process can take several months, and improvement may take time to notice.

Liver Function Monitoring: To minimize potential side effects, individuals undergoing oral antifungal treatment may need regular blood tests to monitor liver function. This precaution is essential as some antifungal medications can impact liver health.

Topical Medications

Topical medications, such as creams or nail polishes, represent another avenue for treating fungal toenails. These products are applied directly to the infected nail and surrounding skin. Here are key considerations for topical treatments:

Daily Application: Topical medications require daily application to the affected nail. Consistency is vital for the effectiveness of the treatment. Applying the medication over an extended period, possibly up to a year, may be necessary to fully eradicate the infection.

Preparation for Treatment: Enhance the efficacy of topical treatments by filing down the infected nail before application. This helps the medication penetrate the nail more effectively, reaching the fungal source.

Laser Therapy

A cutting-edge method that has been gaining popularity for its remarkable effectiveness in directly targeting the fungus where it resides.

Treatment: Laser Therapy is increasingly becoming a preferred choice for treating nail fungus due to its unique ability to penetrate nail tissue and address the problem at its source. Unlike some traditional treatments, Laser Therapy offers a non-invasive alternative that promises remarkable results.

Duration: The treatment is typically scheduled over several sessions, spaced out across weeks or months to ensure thorough coverage. One of the standout features of Laser Therapy is its painless nature, providing patients with a comfortable experience throughout the entire process.

The Laser DIfference: What sets Laser Therapy apart is its precision in targeting the fungus without causing harm to the surrounding healthy tissue. Unlike some treatments that may risk damaging the nails or surrounding skin, Laser Therapy is designed to selectively combat the fungus while leaving the rest unscathed. The procedure involves no burning sensation, making it a gentle and safe option for those seeking relief from nail fungus.

Person's clean feet on white background

Choosing the Right Treatment Path

The choice between laser therapy, and oral and topical medications depends on various factors, including the severity of the infection, personal health considerations, and lifestyle. Laser Therapy may be combined with medication treatments and oral medications may be recommended for more advanced cases or when topical treatments prove ineffective. Consulting with our knowledgeable team is essential to determine the most suitable course of action for your specific situation.

To Get Clear Nails, Make an Appointment Now

Taking the first step toward clear and healthy toenails begins with seeking professional guidance. If you suspect a fungal toenail infection or have persistent concerns, schedule an appointment with our office. We can assess the extent of the infection, discuss treatment options tailored to your needs, and provide valuable advice on preventive measures to avoid recurrence.

Fungal toenail infections can be persistent and bothersome, but effective treatments are available. Whether opting for laser therapy, oral medications, or topical treatments, patience and consistency are key to achieving clear and healthy nails. By understanding the nature of toenail fungus and consulting with our experienced podiatrists, you can embark on a treatment journey that leads to confident, fungus-free feet. Don’t let toenail fungus hinder your comfort and confidence—take the first step towards clear nails by making an appointment today.